📍 Localización y contacto

Harris St 500
2007, Sydney
(02) 9217 0222

ℹ️ Información

El Museo Powerhouse se encuentra en 500 Harris Street, Ultimo, Nueva Gales del Sur, Australia. Este museo ofrece una variedad asombrosa de exhibiciones, desde memorabilia de películas, recuerdos de viajes espaciales hasta ferrocarriles australianos. Muchos visitantes destacan la diversidad de artefactos y la calidad de las presentaciones, haciendo hincapié en lo educativo y entretenido que resulta para todas las edades.

Entre sus atractivos se encuentran:

  • La primera locomotora de Australia y otras exhibiciones sobre transporte histórico.
  • Secciones interactivas que fomentan el aprendizaje científico.
  • Acceso gratuito, lo que brinda la oportunidad de disfrutar sin preocuparse por el costo.
  • Un ambiente familiar ideal para pasar varias horas explorando.

A pesar de las muchas reseñas positivas, algunos visitantes han expresado su decepción respecto a la falta de una narrativa clara en las exhibiciones y la ausencia de elementos interactivos en algunas áreas. Asimismo, algunos han notado que la temática del museo se ha vuelto más diversa, lo que podría no ser del agrado de todos.

Con el aviso de que el museo cerrará temporalmente para renovaciones a partir del 5 de febrero de 2024, se recomienda visitar pronto para disfrutar de sus exhibiciones antes del cierre.

🕒 Horario de apertura

  • Lunes: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Martes: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Miércoles: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Jueves: 10:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Viernes: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Sábado: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Domingo: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM

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🗣️ Museo Powerhouse: Opiniones

4.7/5 (211 Opiniones)
Nerine Cummins 5 months ago

Experiencia fantástica: Ubicado en 500 Harris Street, Ultimo, Nueva Gales del Sur, Australia. Fue un día realmente genial visitando el Museo Powerhouse. Tiene una maravillosa variedad de artefactos que van desde memorabilia de películas, memorabilia de viajes espaciales y memorabilia de ferrocarriles australianos, entre muchos más. Lo encontré muy interesante y no podría recomendarlo lo suficiente.

Powerhouse Museum

Muchas gracias por tus comentarios, Nerine. ¡Estamos muy contentos de que hayas disfrutado de tu visita!

Andrei Contu 9 months ago

Experiencia fantástica: Primul muzeu vizitat din Australia a fost aici. Încă de la intrare suntem întâmpinați cu un călduros bine v-am găsit iar asta ne-a făcut ziua mai frumoasa. Exponatele de aici de asemenea foarte bine prezentate și curate. Ai nevoie de câteva ore sa vezi totul relaxat. Aici am găsit expusa prima locomotiva din Australia și multe alte mașini, sateliți sau nave spațiale. Exista chiar și zone pentru copii dar și adulti care pot incerca anumite experimente științifice. Recomand vizitarea, este gratuita intrarea iar pentru mine a fost un moment inedit intr-un cadru spectaculos.

Andreea 10 months ago

Experiencia fantástica: Un muzeu care, pe mine personal, m-a impresionat super mult. Aici am descoperit foarte multe exponate, dintre care pot aminti mijloace de transport în comun (tren, avion, trăsură), afișe care te invitau, cândva, la evenimentele din Australia, ceasuri, haine tipice vremurilor și multe, multe altele. Cel mai mult m-a impresionat faptul că aici am văzut primul tren pus în funcțiune în New South Wales, în anul 1855. Muzeul este o adevărată comoară, ai ce să vezi aici. Mai mult, intrarea este gratuită pentru toată lumea

Louie Temp 10 months ago

Experiencia fantástica: We visited the Power house Museum last January , we just walked from one museum to another. No entrance fee . Highly recommended when visiting Sydney. It has memorable artifacts from Australian railroads space travel and many more. Lots of interesting displays.

Yves de Ryckel 10 months ago

Experiencia fantástica: Very nice museum to visit with amazing collections. I was getting there to see the famous PBY Catalina aircraft, but I was delighted by the other collections, and especially, as an engineer, by the scientific discovery of electricity, magnetism, gravity etc… Nice -> Please note that the Museum has recently (Feb24) moved to Paramatta.

Brian jaehyuk “JK Song” Song 11 months ago

Experiencia fantástica: 볼거리가 너무나 많은 이곳. 곧 레노베이션을 위해 문을 장기간 닫는다고 하니 빨리 방문 해 보세요! 모든 연령대가 즐길 수 있는 소장품들이 많습니다. 더군다나 무료!

bleh bleh 11 months ago

Experiencia negativa: Where is the teddy bears picnic! I had so much fun here as a child with all the brightly coloured places to pay, and Zoes house building thing and the dollhouse. Nothing is interactive anymore. I found the 1001 objects very cool and well curated, but at the same time it's so sad how much it's changed.

Alex SMP 11 months ago

Experiencia negativa: Really amazing experience for families and kids, apart from the sexualised lgbt stuff right at the entrance. Pics shown in my review

Jyoti Chandel 11 months ago

Experiencia fantástica: Nice for kids n adults to have an experience in itself

Georgina Healy 11 months ago

Experiencia fantástica: The older gentleman working in the turbines and engines room this Saturday was brilliant. Taught us (two engineers!) a lot as well as our little kids!

Powerhouse Museum

We are so glad that you enjoyed!

Neil A Middleton 11 months ago

Experiencia negativa: A bit disappointing. Disjointed displays, little narrative flow and a lack of interactive exhibits. Other museums provide a far more engaging experience.

Nish 11 months ago

Experiencia fantástica: This lovely weekend getaway is an ideal destination to visit with kids. The place is well-maintained and offers an excellent opportunity to educate children about science and the evolution of technology. It provides a conducive environment for learning and exploring various scientific concepts. Moreover, the interactive exhibits and displays serve as a great way to engage kids and enhance their understanding of scientific principles.

maher ch 11 months ago

Experiencia positiva: Beautiful museum i recommend highly specially for kids they can learn too many new things and can enjoy the history and some playing . Please check when the clock show start it worth watching

Adam Avery 11 months ago

Experiencia fantástica: Visited the Powerhouse Museum for the first time on Sunday. Definitely worth a visit. There is plenty to look at and such a range of displays to suit a wide variety of interests. Staff are extremely helpful and friendly. There is a gift shop and cafe there also.

Powerhouse Museum

We are glad that you had wonderful interactions with our staff and enjoyed your visit.

jay loafs 11 months ago

Experiencia fantástica: Super cool kinda sad it’s closing down for so long. Me and my friend had a lot of fun and there’s this part where you can draw and stuff and it was pretty quiet when we went (except the kids section lol) Anyways perfect for a date!!!

Gwen Penn 11 months ago

Experiencia fantástica: We visited the Powerhouse Museum (Darling) on January 2, 2024. Because Sydney is a very walkable city, we walked there after we finished visiting another museum. This one in Darling is near Chinatown / Paddy Haymarket. The cost was free which made it even better! The museum was amazing. I loved the various exhibits with a focus on steam engines. It was fascinating how the use of steam powered so many things from a printing press, to a fire engine. They also had various instruments on exhibit as well. We met a wonderful employee that provided in-depth information. If you love technology from the past, you must visit! I also encourage anyone with children to visit too. They had a cool exhibit for the kids.

Baptiste J. 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: Un excellent musée, avec des expositions très diversifiées. On a adoré la salle des machines à vapeur en fonctionnement, beaucoup de choses sont interactives. C'est un incontournable si vous visitez Sydney !

Powerhouse Museum

We are so glad that you enjoyed your visit

Ixchel De La Luz 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: Powerhouse es,el museo más loco, diverso, completo y extraordinario que he visto en mi vida. Fue como hacer un recuento de los cientos de museos que he visitado en mi vida y encontrar de todo un poco en él. Es gratuito, llegas bien en bici y tiene una cafetería muy agradable. Entrada gratuita.

Powerhouse Museum

We are glad to hear that you had a great time exploring our many exhibitions.

n n 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: 近代的なアートから科学まで大人も子供も楽しめる素晴らしい場所だと思います。 館内はとても清潔でした。 カフェもありました。

Powerhouse Museum

We are glad that you had a wonderful experience.

リュウバニー 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: チャイナタウンから歩いて10分程度ととても近い場所にあります。入場料は無料で多くの人達が訪れていました。施設内には電車、蒸気機関車、飛行機、スペースシャトルの内部の機器等の展示が沢山あってとても楽しむことができました。 個人的にはワイルドライフシドニー、シドニー水族館よりも楽しむことが出来ました。

Hye K 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: 구경할게 생각보다 많아요~ 비가 와서 들어갔던 곳인데 알차게 구경하고 왔어요. 체험존도 있어서 아이들이 있으면 더 가기 좋습니다. 무료인데도 꽤 전시가 잘 되어있다는 점이 가장 좋네요!

Powerhouse Museum

Thank you for your review, we hope you will visit us again soon!

Mackenzie White 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: A huge variety of exhibits so there's something for everyone. The interactive space exhibit was super informative and incredibly fun, with it's anti gravity simulator

Nandika 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: Great place to go to with children. You can easily spend 3hours there as it’s huge with a variety to explore such as transport, space etc

Powerhouse Museum

We are so glad to hear that you had a great time and hope to see you again soon.

Mark Whorlow (Canonfodder) 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: love the Powerhouse. every few months thay have new exhibits as well as some standard ones. Like a real piece of moon rock. This is a must go museum. we go every few months to see what's new.

Berin Baser 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: Amazing. I‘ve been to different museums where I had to pay a lot of money but they weren’t as interesting as this and this one is FREE. There is something for every age group

Liam Pallesen 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: Free museum with rotating exhibits and some cool mechanical stuff that’s year-round - very cost effective half day Has a cafe and is close to public transport.

Joey Jetson 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: Free great assortment of things to see. Huge, great for families. See it soon, closing February 6 or so for a couple years to have a big remodeling. Try not to miss it.

Powerhouse Museum

We are glad that you enjoyed your visit Joey. Our Ultimo museum closes from 5pm on Sunday 4th of February to commence revitalisation. You can find more information here: https://pulse.ly/8qez6t23ia

Richard Rain 1 year ago

Experiencia positiva: Nice museum. Exhibits are great amd vibrant. Area in basment for kids to interact overall worth it. Plus ita free your kids don’t like you can leave.

Yousef Dablin 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: Update- museum is closing down for an upgrade. Many of the exhibitions are gone currently. Managed to explore within an hour. Looking forward to when they reopen with everything Previous review Awesome museum where you can easily speaks 2-4 hours here. I throughly enjoyed the steam train section and the old train station board. Little ones enjoyed the interactive side to the museum. They had a bast. Best of to prepare some food and water.

sammi H 1 year ago

Experiencia positiva: It will close soon (5-Feb-24) for 3 years for major renovations. Not much exhibitions to see. But it is free for now. A good place to take young kids to take a look. And enjoy the outing in nearby areas and dine in haymarket for good food.

Tim Chapman 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: Value for money is fantastic, not even a donation box. Although the display area is significantly reduced. Enjoyable day out, always changing. Good for adults as well as kids.

Powerhouse Museum

We are so pleased that you enjoyed your visit. We have some wonderful new exhibitions opening in the next few weeks including Atmospheric Memory and 1001 Remarkable Objects. We hope you will visit again soon.https://pulse.ly/qrlc78t5n3

Marko Smith 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: It's amazing display of a museum. So many things to see from its different eras of products. There are four levels of buildings to see. Don't worry, they provide escalators and lifts! Toilets and shop including cafe (try their orange cake!) To visit this museum by bus 501 from Central or just walk from Chinatown (paddy's market). Note : come now before they will renovate it on next February. Free of charge.

Meg Joynateous 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: A must see before they close for a 3year renovation as of Feb 2024! An AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL experience with something for EVERYONE! Electricity, steam power, space, fashion, history and PRIDE! Clean, beautifully presented exhibitions, fully accessible, lots of quiet low light areas too if your from a Nuro-Spicey family. We were lucky enough to see the volunteer steam engine master come in and start up all the steam powered equipment. He even stopped to chat to us after as we were following him around quietly in awe of how he went about starting each machine. A fine art these days! Absolutely a must see if you are in Sydney and entry was free at the time we went too.

Powerhouse Museum

We are glad to hear that you had a wonderful experience and yes we are free for entry 7 days a week.

thomas caulier 1 year ago

Experiencia positiva: Mention spéciale pour l'expérience visant à reproduire les effets de l'apesanteur grâce a une reproduction de l'ISS et a des effets de rotations et de mouvements. Je me suis vraiment senti bizarre la première fois ‍ Si vous voulez tester des simulateurs d'atterrissage spatiale vous pouvez aussi. Sinon l'entrée est gratuite, le musée est tres très grand et très variés.

Powerhouse Museum

It is great to hear that you enjoyed our space exhibition Thomas, we hope you will visit again soon.

Jay Choi 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: Had an Amazing experience at the textile centre yesterday. This could be my new hobby^^

Powerhouse Museum

We are so glad that you were able to explore our amazing textiles centre. We have wonderful volunteers and makers at the centre regularly who are happy to answer any questions you may have. We hope to see you again soon.

Yang Z 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: It's nice to have a look. Also have some spaceship things to look. Nice.

Rohan Bhaju 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: So many things to look in this museum. Loved the fact that the tickets were free.

David Coleman 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: Wonderfully restored relics of the past. Visit before it's closed for renovations, Feb 8, 2024!

Powerhouse Museum

We are so glad that you enjoyed your visit David. Powerhouse Ultimo will close its doors on February 5, 2024, for building and conservation works to begin. You can find more information about the revitalisation of Powerhouse Ultimo here: https://pulse.ly/aw67vlv6zo

Aquarius 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: Such a vibrant museum. Too bad it’s going to close for renovation for the next 3 years.

Hải Nguyễn 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: The museum displays old artifacts used more than 100 years ago such as trains, antiques, etc. In addition, there are many works of art displayed in the museum with different themes. You should come here to experience and enjoy art!

Jules The Traveller 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: Nice place to spend a couple of hours with the kids, check out the interactive science exhibits for kids at the basement. No tickets required, we just walked in

Powerhouse Museum

We are glad to hear that you enjoyed your visit.

Hayden 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: It’s a free activity so you can only gain by coming here. Plenty to see for everyone from fashion and LGBT to the original train and trams. The 1001 items exhibit in the heart of the building was my personal favourite. Lots of connected rooms with different colours and themes based on the random trinkets on display ‘Twas a rainy day when we went so this was great to hide in for a few hours.

Powerhouse Museum

We are glad you enjoyed your visit Hayden, we hope to see you again soon!

Charlotte Tsai 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: 免費入場的博物館 很多展覽設計可以看 有火車也有太空飛機主題 適合帶小朋友來放電 可以逛很久

Web Da Lat 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: Viện bảo tàng rất rộng lớn, vào cửa miễn phí. Mình đã đi tới đây 2 lần, thì ở tầng 1 mỗi lần đến có một triễn lãm khác nhau. Đợt mình vừa đi có triễn lãm cổ vật, các trang phục cổ của nhiều quốc gia, cực kỳ đẹp luôn. Trong viện bảo tàng có khu về máy bay, tàu vũ trụ dành cho những ai yêu thích khám phá về không gian. Khu các ứng dụng của điện, vật lý cũng rất thú vị cho cả người lớn và cả các bạn nhỏ. Nếu bạn đến Sydney và muốn tìm bảo tàng để tham quan thì không nên bảo qua bảo tàng này nhé.

Beppie Vickers 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: Amazing, so well done. We loved the chance to see it all. Well done

Powerhouse Museum

We are so glad that you had a great time!

Michael Gordon 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: Great name for this place, I don't know how they managed to fit so many engaging exhibits into that space, it really is a powerhouse!

Powerhouse Museum

We are so glad to hear that you enjoyed your visit Michael and hope you will visit again soon.

Rhyannon Barker 1 year ago

Experiencia positiva: 1001 increasing things exhibit was great, lots of cool things to see, was nice to walk around, and there was an interactive area too.

Pavel Vajner 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: Really cool, I especially loved the interactive steam turbines / engines section and the space section. And it's free!

Stefanie M&M 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: This incredible museum has everything including an interactive section for kids and adults.

Powerhouse Museum

We are happy to hear that you enjoyed your visit and hope to see you again very soon.

sam davies 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: An excellent experience;there's something for everyone here and its near Chinatown;allow a few hours for a visit;you wont see it all but you will be looking forward to your next visit

Powerhouse Museum

Thank you for your review Sam, we are so glad that you enjoyed your visit.

megan barrett 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: While in Sydney, we booked into see the Atmospheric Memory exhibition. There is something in this exhibition to interest everyone. While the first four rooms focused on the concept, have the time to look through any of the other exhibits theory, the last two rooms are where you will spend most of your time. It is an interesting concept as to how the sounds and movements we make distort/leave an impression in the atmosphere. This is a paid exhibit and was well worth it. Unfortunately, we didn't have the time to look through any other exhibits,

Ken Langdale 1 year ago

Experiencia positiva: I must place to visit in Sydney. The museum is modern with a diverse range of exhibits from space ships to steam engines, There is fashion wear, ming vases and sculptures. Layed out on three floors in a contemporary setting, and it free to enter

Powerhouse Museum

We are glad to hear that you enjoyed our many exhibitions Ken. We hope to see you again soon.

Sherri Cox 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: Great place to take the kids. Interesting and lots to explore

Powerhouse Museum

We are so glad that you and your family enjoyed your visit and hope you will visit us again soon.

Riyadh Al-Naseri 1 year ago

Experiencia positiva: Interesting place, makes you think about everything differently, it would be nice to take your kids to

Powerhouse Museum

Thank you Riyadh for your review, we are happy to hear that you enjoyed your experience visiting us and hope that you can visit again soon.

Mark Hemming 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: Always something new to see. Really great for children. Spent 4 hours here and could easily have stayed longer.

Powerhouse Museum

Thank you for your review Mark, we are so glad that your family had a wonderful experience and hope to see you again soon.

Rachel Downey 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: Amazing museum, friendly and knowledgeable staff. Check out their special exhibits, well worth the visit.

Rami Al Nashi 1 year ago

Experiencia positiva: Lots of fun for the family and the kids. More signs to the toilets would be great, however there were many staff on the floor to ask for directions. Can spend all day at the museum.

Powerhouse Museum

Hello Rami, thank you for your great review. We are so glad that you enjoyed your visit and hope you can join us again soon.

Yu Qing 1 year ago

Experiencia positiva: many different buildings, so it was a little confusing navigating to the main entrance and through the different exhibits as well. but other than that, lovely museum with interesting exhibits. fun and some interactive activities that children will enjoy.

Powerhouse Museum

We are so glad that you enjoyed your visit and thank you for your review.

Tracy van Vuuren 1 year ago

Experiencia positiva: A bit topsy turvy but the kids enjoyed it for the most part. Most staff were friendly and not far from sight if you needed help. Good interactive exhibits for kids too

A Mag 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: The museum was very interesting and I would recommend having a look at what displays they have up before going. For the main exhibit, children under 17 had free access and they also had sunflower disability lanyards at the front desk. It is a short walk from central station and has lifts for easy access within the building.

Powerhouse Museum

We are so glad to hear that you enjoyed your visit!

Marcelle Armstrong 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: Fabulous interactive museum catering for one and all. Very popular with the kiddies, but it really can appeal to all....we needed more time, actually. Go see for yourself.

Powerhouse Museum

Thank you for your review Marcelle, there is definitely a lot to see and do. We hope that you will visit us again soon!

Anne Bentley 1 year ago

Experiencia positiva: Excellent and interesting. The staff were informative and very helpful. 1001 remarkable objects is a fabulous exhibition. So good to have this fascinating place on the edge of the city.

Powerhouse Museum

Thank you for your review Anne, we are so glad that you enjoyed your visit and that our team were able to help make this a great experience. We hope to see you again soon.

Gerald Luo 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: Beautiful museum with much to see in engines and various transports! It has a very nice portion on space exploration, and another portion just on steam engines and trains. A great place to bring your family to learn a bit about science.

Powerhouse Museum

Thank you for your review Gerald, we are so glad that your family had a fun and educational experience with us. We hope to see you again soon.

Sheri 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: What a beautiful Museum.. Filled with so many stunning art pieces, history and just wonderful artifacts. I absolutely loved being here, and truly grateful to have explored Powerhouse Museum.

Powerhouse Museum

Thank you so much for your lovely review. We are so pleased that you enjoyed your experience visiting us and the many amazing objects that we have on display.

Sze Mei NG 1 year ago

Experiencia positiva: Just a few minutes walk from light rail station. The staff at the entrance was nice and reminded you to get the map from the table. The locomotives displayed on level 3 (Exit/Entrance ) are very eye-catching. Let's know the history of transportation in NSW. The Space section is also interesting, especially the feeling of zero gravity and driving a rocket. The experiment section is good for kids to experience science. There is also a large area for displaying historical relics and contemporary art where more staff stand by. They can answer your questions about the exhibits. It does not display the exhibits chronologically. I'm not sure about the theme of this museum. It also displays drag queen and fashion.

Powerhouse Museum

We are glad that you had a fun time exploring all of our exhibitions and hope that you will visit us again in the future.

かず 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: 入館は無料。明るく丁寧なボランティアスタッフが入口に居てます。荷物を預かってくれるクロークも有ります。 ゆっくり見学ができ、子供が科学に興味を持つことを促すような体験が出来る工夫もされていると感じました。

Jack Lee 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: 博物館為本地嘅市民提供優質嘅學術及歷史文化,本來有不同形式嘅展品,並且經常更換主題展區,值得本地市民間中去遊覽。如果館內能夠提供更多互動化嘅資料及圖像化嘅數據,將會係一個非常值得小朋友來學習嘅地方。 The museum provides many exhibits to local citizens with high-quality academic and historical culture. There are exhibits in different forms, and the theme exhibition areas are frequently updated, which is worth visiting. If the museum can provide more interactive materials and graphical data, it will be a very worthwhile place for children to learn.

Js1988Sky Ye 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: 在裡面邊走邊認真逛起來 大約1個多小時 而且還是免費博物館 進去博物館裡面會讓你大吃一驚 對我來說 是非常的震撼!非常推薦 like

Choi Skye 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: MUST GO when zampatti’s fashion exhibition is on! I got overwhelmed by this high quality show. Can’t believe it’s free entrance. 한국에서라면 15,000 은 내야할 고퀄 전시들이 지금 무료로 3 개나 하고 있어요! 달려가세요~ 특히 잠파티 패션전시 진짜 공간 조성을 멋있게 해놔서 감동.

W Lai 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: Admission free, Really interesting and educational I enjoyed everything there If you haven't been here, you must come and visit 免費入場 非常有趣及有教育意義 裡面有動力、磁力、太空、藝術品展示 非常多元豐富 互動裝置多樣有趣 大人小孩都可以參與 有時間 一定要來逛逛呦

mintchuu 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: 무료입장이고 나는 주말에 구찌 전시회를 보기 위해 구찌 홈페이지에서 온라인 부킹을 하고 갔다. 입장하니 생각보다 볼거리가 많지는 않았고 독특한 포토존이 많았다. 구찌를 좋아한다면 마지막 굿즈 판매존에서 노트나 에코백을 팔고 있으니 하나쯤 겟 하는것도 나쁘지 않음. 파워하우스의 다른 전시들도 꽤 볼만하다. 도자기들과 비행기, 그리고 과학 전시관을 둘러봤는데 아주 좋았다! 뮤지엄 한 켠에는 야외석이 있는 카페도 마련되어있고 기념품 샵도 있다. 잠깐 시간 떼우기 좋다.

Mulan Howe 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: Spent a lot more time in here than we thought and it was also much more interactive than we thought too!

Zoé Moulart 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: Nous avons été en semaine un après midi. L’endroit est super et pour tous les âges ! Beaucoup d’expositions avec des animations et interactions et un endroit avec des activités scientifiques. L’entrée est gratuite et le bâtiment accessible aux personnes à mobilité réduite. Toilette sur place.

vintagepimpage 604 1 year ago

Experiencia positiva: For the price ....free ... this place was fun , had some very interesting exhibits to see we went for the gucci and stayed for the rest ...would return again

Powerhouse Museum

Thank you very much for your feedback. We are glad you enjoyed your visit to the Powerhouse Museum!

A L 1 year ago

Experiencia positiva: Great for kids to learn things. The displays are nice and very educational.

Aaren 1 year ago

Experiencia positiva: Interesting museum with some different exhibitions. Could do with a more updated display of exhibits. It does see. Like a great place to take kids as there is lots fun for them to take part in.

Sam Silverman 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: AMAZING MUSEUM. Lots of antique steam engines and interactive displays. One of the best places I have seen for these.

My Inner West 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: Loved it. Visited for the first time in decades for the Gucci Garden Archetypes show. It was fun looking around the old and new displays.

Zdislav Doleček 1 year ago

Experiencia positiva: Very lovely museum. Lot of space, so you will have enough room to observe exhibit.

Adriano Nunez 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: Amazing free experience! You can spend hours inside this museum. Definitely recommend the zero gravity experience. Also gotta highlight the explanation about how the first trip to the moon happened. A volunteer explained in details all steps from launch to the trip back. Loved this place!

Adrian Lodders 1 year ago

Experiencia negativa: The Powerhouse Museum can be really impressive. However, whilst visiting in August 2023, there appeared be a strong emphasis on political activism over science. The signage at the entrance telling Christians to get over themselves seemed unnecessary and needlessly divisive. I doubt such a message would be directed at any other faith group. Science museums should inspire all who visit. As someone who has been fortunate enough to visit multiple Smithsonian museums, the International Spy Museum, the Newseum, the Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science in Miami, the Petrosains Discovery Centre in Malaysia, and the NASA's Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex, it's easy to see each of those museums remain focused on science, knowledge, history, innovation, and inspiring the next generation of children. By contrast I really found the Powerhouse on this visit to be quite disappointing and lacking focus on what its purpose should be. Had these exhibitions pieces been at a museum such as the Museum of Old and New Art (MONA), there would be no concern, as MONA intended to be subversive, intriguing, and intended to challenge the status quo. I hope that on my next visit, that I can update my review and talk about how the Powerhouse Museum is fascinating, exciting, and inspiring to all who visit.

Clare Georges 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: Amazing for families, and if you're an information junkie, you will have a field day. There is so much great science and engineering information and very interactive.

Powerhouse Museum

Thank you very much for your feedback Clare. We are glad you enjoyed your visit to the Powerhouse Museum!

Daniel Ryken 1 year ago

Experiencia positiva: Not bad. The locomotive historical section was interesting. The section where they showed levers and pulleys was quite educational and a great demonstration for the kids. I personally wasn’t into the queer exhibition and the lgbt climate change of Samoa which made up a large part of the museum. All in all, not bad for free.

Rich L 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: Great idea for curious couples. Great experience, lots to see AND do, with lovely staff that are extremely helpful. Experience - one of the most fun places I’ve been to recently. Design - the layouts and structures within the museum are of the highest quality. The layout of the exhibitions is clearly well thought out. The descriptions of exhibitions were clear and concise and written in a way that makes sense to anyone reading them. Service - the staff are knowledgeable and welcoming to everyone. I would love to go back and explore the rest of the museum We didn’t have time to explore the entire museum because it is massive. We spent 2ish hours exploring JUST the experiments section.

Rupali J 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: Powerhouse museum is a hidden gem. A lovely exhibition with art and automotive display and will surely surprise the young and old. Worth it and most of it is free

Powerhouse Museum

Thank you for your review, we are glad you enjoyed your visit. We have some wonderful new exhibitions and programs opening soon so there is always something new to see and do. We hope to see you again soon. https://pulse.ly/gr3bm47kui

Owen C 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: Absolutely Queer was full of colours, not just the exhibits but the visitors as well. What a fun night. Thanks to the Powerhouse Museum for their Thursday night opening hours!

Ellecer Valencia 1 year ago

Experiencia positiva: Go see the exhibit called "Unpopular", if you're a fan of 90s alternative music in Australia. Lots of memories and memorabilia about the live music scene back then. The Carla Zampatti exhibit is also pretty great! The interactive exhibits are always fun for everyone. I hope when they open the Powerhouse at Parramatta and Castle Hill the quality of the exhibits stays the same.

Nicholas 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: Completely free at the moment. always something fun running as well, really loved the space stuff - awesome unpopular section even had the guitar Kurt cobain used on MTV unplugged - never thought I'd see it in person

Powerhouse Museum

Thank you very much for your feedback Nicholas. We are glad you enjoyed your visit to the Powerhouse Museum!

Richard Bryson 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: Fantastic exhibition on at the moment "1001 Remarkable Objects"...not to mention the other permanent displays. Some items on display in the 1001 Remarkable Objects include the outfits from 'Strictly Ballroom' and 'Moulin Rouge', then step back into the past to take in a gown from 1700's France and a suit of armour from Feudal Japan, and travel even further into the past and gaze upon jewellery and items dating back to 500BC.

DINESH N.A. 1 year ago

Experiencia positiva: It's a very engaging and fun museum to go to. Plenty to see and very informative. Lots of interactive parts which will be really fun for kids and adults.

Powerhouse Museum

Thank you for your lovely review, we hope you will visit us again soon.

Lyn Tang 1 year ago

Experiencia positiva: We decided to drop into the Power house museum, after many years It hasn’t changed too much. But there was one section of Aboriginal art, that was really quite beautifully put together

G abby 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: Didn't know what to expect but at the end of the visit I was happy that I decided to come. Lots of things to see from heavy machinery, space exploration items to modern art and designer fashion. You can easily spend few hours here always being surprised by what you find.

Naty 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: The Gucci Garden Archetypes exhibition at The Powerhouse Museum. It was interesting seeing the room of screens, how they create the perfumes and other Gucci products. You could smell the Gucci aroma all throughout the exhibition. We finally get to have a good exhibition in Sydney. It

Lena Ang 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: It’s one of places you can entered in Sydney for free. Yes, it has ticketed event, but it shouldn’t break your pocket (the recent “kaleidoscope” for $15). I went to free one. It has some ex-Mardi Gras bling bling displays. Some fixed features are experiment room where you can try various science stuffs (trust me, it’s fun), tram and plane displays, or space craft informations (I kinda know now, how the astronaut pooping or showering up there). It also has interactive corner, where you can participate in arts or create something. Thursday night it opens late till 9pm, otherwise normal business hours.

Alyssa 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: One of my fave museums in Sydney! We went here today for the Atmospheric Memory installation. Really nice. Worth the price!

Powerhouse Museum

It is an amazing exhibition and we are so glad that you enjoyed this immersive experience. We hope to see you again soon.


Experiencia fantástica: If you want to understand the evolution of industrial technology, this is probably the best museum to visit. Located within Sydney's CBD, and walking distance from the beautiful Darling Harbour, this is one place you shouldn't miss. This place is huge. We spent 2 hours inside the museum and we felt that we have not covered everything. Great for kids too. They have interactive areas that are specifically designed for younger visitors.

Alex Zajicek 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: The Powerhouse Museum in Sydney is an absolute delight! A treasure trove of innovation and creativity, it offers captivating exhibits that cater to all ages. The interactive displays are engaging and educational, making learning a fun-filled experience. The staff is friendly and knowledgeable, enhancing the overall visit. From historical artifacts to cutting-edge technology, this museum showcases the marvels of human ingenuity. The facilities are well-maintained, and the café offers a welcome break. A must-visit destination in Sydney for a day of discovery and inspiration!

Powerhouse Museum

We are so glad to hear that you enjoyed your experience and hope to see you again soon!

It's JustB 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: Anyone interested in the inner workings of machines should give this place a try. It has other exhibits too including arts, fashion, music, and science. My favorite part was the interactive part. And the cherry on top is that it's free. Nothing can beat that.

orange_tree_au 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: Powerhouse Museum is one of my fave museums in Sydney, combining design, architecture, fashion and industry. Photos below are from the ongoing exhibitions, 'Unpopular' and 'Carla Zampatti'. Live music fans would enjoy the former (plenty to see for Nirvana fans) while the latter is a retrospective of the designer's admirable career. The museum is set in a huge brick and steel warehouse which really adds to the experience. It's a short walk from the light rail and Central Station.

Camellia Maria 1 year ago

Experiencia fantástica: free entrance. A must visit when you're in Sydney. Great museum with interactive features and games. Loved it and wished we had more time in here.

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